progseg segment para public''CODE''
public setcom
assume cs: progseg, ds: progseg, es: progseg
org 100h
doscall equ 21h
oldint equ 16h
startup proc far
jmp setup
setcom proc far
; Jmp cs: [interupt]
call cs: [interupt]
setcom endp
save db 0
interupt label dword
vector db 8 dup (0); only 4 needed 4 more for safety
mov ah, 35h; get interupt vector address function
mov al, oldint; keyboard interupt vector
int doscall; go get it
mov word ptr vector, bx; save offset
mov bx, es; get segment address
mov word ptr vector +2, bx; save segment
mov dx, offset setcom; get new vector address
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax; set segment
mov ah, 25h; set interupt vector address function
mov al, oldint; set to our new interupt vector
int doscall; set the interupt
mov dx, offset setup; terminate and stay resident
int 27h
startup endp
progseg ends
end startup
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